Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Child development - the key for the better future

“A child is the seed that we sow to create the future; the future that remains unseen”
A child is like a new beginning, with limitless possibilities that may emerge out of him. While raising a child, a lot many questions come to our mind. What should I do to provide my child the best possible environment so that she/he grows to achieve the best of his potential? What food should I give him? What kind of mental stimulus should I expose her to? Is her physical growth adequate? Why is my child not the best amongst all? Is there any thing else that I should do? This and many more doubts come to our mind as a parent when we are doing this tremendous job of raising a child.

Though, endless discussions can take place on such topics, what we shall try here, is to give you in a nutshell, the normal development on the brain and physical aspects of the body of a child and when should we suspect any discrepancy in the same.

We may start the discussion with normal brain development during the early childhood. Followed by common conditions that may hamper the development of the brain. The most common of these is cerebral palsy. Also mental health is important and so comes the discussion on autism spectrum disorders and ADHD. Lastly we will discuss the physical aspects of the growth and the growth disorders.

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