Saturday, September 27, 2014

AGING & the elusive search for ELIXIR

As we grow, from the infancy to childhood and thereafter progressing to youth, we have a natural eagerness to grow. We anticipate increasing stamina and maturity wherein we will be strong, energetic and would have loads of stamina to achieve our goals. But as we grow older, we want the time to stop in this elusive youthful state and want to defer growing old, as aging is commonly associated with illness, decreased stamina, loose skin and thin hair etc. And at a time like this, we wish we could get our hands on some elixir that would keep us in the state of youthfulness. We want to stay physically and mentally agile and remain beautiful as we once were in our young age.
The next series of articles in our blog would discuss various issues dealing with aging. What we understand by it? What are the normal changes associated with it?

What can we do holistically about decreasing the impact of aging or let’s say to keep our mental and physical machinery in a good state for longer time? In the next few articles, we will unfathom the mystery that is aging and how we can slow the process, thereby decreasing its impact.

Bringing you a GOOD HEALTH WISH.

Dr Sweta Singla
Consultant Neurology
Kalpavriksh Superspeciality Center

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