Sunday, March 9, 2014

March 8 – International Women’s Day - Let's focus on women - the better halves of the world....

Women the better halves of the society, the atlas of any house hold, the pillar of strength for other family members when the going gets stuff. For this pillar to remain strong women need to take good care of their health but unfortunately women health is often ignored in any household. She would put aside any of her problem if that is interfering with the comfort of any family member. And finally when that pillar breaks the whole family crumbles beneath it. Hence, the need for any woman and her family to give prime importance to health of the women in their home. So in the next few articles in the month of march, let us re-emphasize the need for healthy women in our society and look closely at the common health related issues that she suffers and how we can be instrumental in alleviating that suffering and making her life more beautiful.

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